List of Plans / Operating Environment
List of Plans

The digital notes feature and Graphing Calculator function "ClassPad Math" are available for free. Created notes can also be saved.
*Account creation is required
Only Graphing Functions are available for free without creating an account. However, the created data cannot be saved.
Option Plan provides the following option plans.
Option Name | Option Description | Price |
ClassPad Math Plus | CAS/advanced statistical calculations/financial calculation functions/handwriting recognition for use with ClassPad Math | $24.95/Year € 24.95/Year £19.95 /Year |
ClassWiz | ClassWiz Emulator for use with ClassPad Math | $14.95/Year €14.22/Year £11.94/Year |
ClassWiz Emulator for use with ClassPad Math(Volume License) *Note: Volume License is a volume discount product for purchasing multiple licenses. One License Code will be issued per volume license. |
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Compatible models
Compatible models |
fx-82CW / 85CW / 350CW / 570CW / 991CW fx-82EX / 85EX / 350EX / 570EX / 991EX fx-8200 AU fx-82AR X / 95AR X / 570AR X / 991AR X fx-880BTG / 580VN X fx-82CE X / 85CE X / 350CE X / 991CE X fx-82DE CW / 85DE CW / 87DE CW /810DE CW / 991DE CW fx-82DE X / 85DE X / 87DE X / 991DE X fx-83GT CW, 85GT CW fx-83GT X / 85GT X fx-82LA CW / 570LA CW / 991LA CW fx-82LA X / 350LA X / 570LA X / 991LA X fx-82NL fx-991RS X fx-92 Collège / 92B Secondaire fx-92+ Spéciale Collège / 92B Spéciale Collège fx-97SG X fx-82SP CW / 85SP CW / 570SP CW / 991SP CW fx-82SP X,XII / 85SP XII / 350SP X,XII / 570SP X,XII / 991SP X,XII fx-JP500CW / fx-JP700CW / fx-JP900CW / fx-550AZ fx-JP500 / JP700 / JP900 / 530AZ |
Operating Environment

Recommended browsers
Provider | Browser Name | Compatible | Suggested Version |
Google Chrome | ✓ | Latest version | |
Chronium | Chronium Edge | ✓ | |
Apple | Safari | ✓ |
*Compatibility is guaranteed if a later version than the suggested version is used
*Browser settings (assumed that the following browser settings are applied when using this service's front-end service)
JavaScript enabled
Cookies enabled
TLS 1.2 communication enabled
Target Machine | Device | Operating System | Version |
PC | Windows | Windows | Up to the latest version and the previous major version |
Mac | macOS | ||
Chromebook | Chrome OS | ||
Tablet | iPad | iPadOS | 14 or later |
Smartphone (ClassPad Math only) |
iPhone | iOS | 14 or later |
Android | Android | 10 or later |
*Screen resolution
Recommended environment for PCs and tablets: 1280 × 1024 px or higher
Recommended environment for smartphones: Use in portrait orientation