table of contents
Looking up a word
Checking the study progress
Reading e-books
Changing the display order for the searched dictionaries
Looking up a word
- Search for a word you want to look up on the EX-word screen.
The following search methods are available.
This displays a list of the search results from multiple dictionaries. - View the word you searched for on the description screen.
- Select [
Returns to the EX-word screen.
Multiple dictionaries are searched and up to 3 matching entries from each dictionary will be shown in the search results.
If you select [全て] (All) beside a dictionary name, only the search results from that dictionary will be shown.
For a category search, only the search results from the relevant dictionary are shown.
Dictionaries can also be selected and searched individually from the search screen.
Checking the study progress
Progress management content can be used to check the study progress.
Progress management content consists of wordbook content and workbook content.
- Select progress management content.
The supported progress management content is as follows:Wordbook content
- 改訂版 キクタン英検®2級 *1
- 改訂版 キクタン英検®準2級 *1
- 改訂版 キクタン英検®3級 *1
- システム英単語
- 英単語ターゲット1900 6訂版
- 英単語ターゲット1200 改訂版
- 英単語ターゲット1400 5訂版
- TEAP英単語ターゲット
- キクタンGTEC
- 新ユメタン0
- 新ユメタン1
- 新ユメタン2
- 新ユメタン3
- 英検®2級 でる順パス単 5訂版
- 英検®準2級 でる順パス単 5訂版
- 英検®3級 でる順パス単 5訂版
- 英検®4級 でる順パス単 5訂版
- COCET2600
Workbook content
- 英検®全問題集 1級 *1
- 英検®全問題集 準1級 *1
- 英検®全問題集 2級 *1
- 英検®全問題集 準2級 *1
- 英検®全問題集 3級 *1
- 英検®全問題集 4級 *1
- GTEC®過去問題集 Basic
- GTEC®過去問題集 Advanced
- 英検®2級予想問題ドリル 新試験対応版 5訂版
- 英検®準2級予想問題ドリル 新試験対応版 5訂版
- 英検®3級予想問題ドリル 新試験対応版 5訂版
- 英検®4級予想問題ドリル 4訂版
* ”GTEC” is a registered trademark of Benesse Corporation.
The content of this product and service is not certified or recommended by Benesse Corporation.
* EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency® is a registered trademark of Eiken Foundation of Japan.
*1 This content is not certified, recommended, or otherwise reviewed by Eiken Foundation of Japan.
- Select [全体] (All) or a unit from the table of contents and work on study, listening, or a test.
For how to work with progress management content, see the following.
Example: Wordbook content screen
- Select [全体] (All) or a unit from the table of contents and check the study progress.
Check the progress, number of bookmarks, or test results for all or each unit.
- Select [
Returns to the EX-word screen.
Reading e-books
- Select the content in the e-book.
The selected content is displayed in the e-book viewer. - Tap on the left or right part of the page or use the progress bar to navigate between pages.
Tap on the center part of the page to display the menu on the top and bottom.
After using the progress bar to navigate between pages, selectto return to the original page.
, or
to zoom in/out the page.
- Perform actions such as adding bookmarks and markers to the e-book or searching for a character string.
For information on how to use the e-book viewer, see “Using E-book Viewer“.
Changing the display order for the searched dictionaries
You can change the order of the dictionaries displayed in the search result.
- On the EX-word screen, select an option and [複数辞書並び設定](Dictionary order settings).
- Select the dictionary whose position you want to change and move it up or down.
Move up the dictionaries you want display first.
- Select [設定する] (Set).
Dictionaries will be displayed in the changed order on the search result.
To reset the display order, select [初期化する] (Initialize).