Confirming/Downloading Assignments in Past Lessons

You can confirm/download assignments (sticky notes) for the past lessons you took in the previous year and earlier.

table of contents

Confirming Assignments in Past Lessons
Downloading Assignments from Past Lessons

Confirming Assignments in Past Lessons

  1. From [Past lessons], select a lesson you want to confirm assignments for.
    lesson screen
  2. Select [To Submit screen] in the lesson screen.
    lesson screen
    The assignment management screen is displayed.
    The assignment management screen
    You can also select [Submit] (Submit) in the Notebook screen to display the assignment management screen.
    notebook screen
    You cannot perform the following operations in the assignment management screen for the past lessons.
     - Create/change/delete locations for submitting assignment
     - Correct/return submitted sticky notes
     - Change the screen display

    Teachers can confirm data submitted by moved out teachers/students or graduated students.
    However, the data submitted by moved out students is not displayed in the list of submitters in the current year.
    It is available in [Past lessons] after the year processing is finalized.

Downloading Assignments from Past Lessons

  1. Select [Submit] (Submit) in the Notebook screen.
    notebook screen
    The assignment management screen is displayed.
  2. Select an assignment (sticky note) you want to download.
    The assignment management screen
    The sticky note is displayed in full-screen mode.
  3. Select [Obtain].
    The sticky note
    The displayed sticky note is downloaded to the notebook.

    [Obtain] is not displayed if you switch to the assignment management screen by selecting [To Submit screen] in the Lesson screen.
    Graduated students’ name will be masked with asterisks(****) after next September 30 to protect their privacy.