Abbreviations and Punctuation Used in This Section

In this function list, the abbreviations and punctuation shown below are used in the function syntax.
Exp: Expression (number, variable, etc.)
Eq: Equation
Ineq: All types of inequality (\(\small{{\rm a} \gt {\rm b},~ {\rm a} \geq {\rm b},~ {\rm a} \lt {\rm b},~ {\rm a} \leq {\rm b},~ {\rm a} \neq {\rm b}}\))
Ineq \(\small{\neq}\): Inequality \(\small{{\rm a} \neq {\rm b}}\)
List: List
Mat: Matrix
[ ]: Items enclosed in square brackets are optional.
{ }: One of the items enclosed in braces can be selected.
The inclusion of the following abbreviations in function syntax indicates that those parameters can be used.
These abbreviations mean that you can use any of the following as a parameter: expression, equation, inequality, list, or matrix.