This page describes the steps to follow before using for lessons.
Logging in as administrator
Use an account with the Administrator privilege to manage accounts and configure class/lesson settings.
“Logging in as administrator”
Registering teacher/student accounts
Register teacher/student information.
“Registering Accounts”
Assigning licenses to accounts
Assign licenses to registered teachers/students.
Licensed teachers/students can use the EX-word functions.
“Assigning Licenses”
Creating classes
Create classes and register teachers in charge of them and students who will belong to them.
“Registering Class Information”
“Registering Teachers/Students in Class Information”
Creating lessons
Create lessons and register teachers in charge of them and students who will take them.
“Registers lesson information”
“Registering Teachers/Students in Lesson Information”
Starting lessons
Once you are ready to start lessons, start a lesson and use the Lesson Aid function!
The Lesson Aid function allows teachers to distribute, create the answer to, correct, and return assignments.
“lesson flow (for Teachers)”
“lesson flow (for Students)”